Textarea is a way to bracket a specific text area to enable the area be copied. As most of bloggers are being copy protected.
Learn How to protect your blog from copy-and-paste thief.
Adding textarea code will enable the particular are being encircled with textarea to be right-clicked and copy in blog.
- Login to your blog.
- Click on New Post see figure 1 below.
- Write the code you want yo add in text area.
- Or copy the code in between this enclosed code see the code below.
- Change the post from Compose to HTML side see figure 2 below.
- This is text area code you can edit it to suit your need by changing row and add background and colour.
Textarea code ensure to add < on starting textarea and </ on the last textarea
textarea style="width:100%" rows=3 name="abc">
Add Your Code here
Figure 1 Blogger New Post
Figure 2 Turn Compose format to HTML format.
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