China phones keep circulating. As technology improve that same way manufacturers of phones improves. We still have lower phones other than android being used by many people as spare phones. Understanding the phone microcontroller and the chip number can help technicians unlock, format or flash the phone.
The latest China phones (small phones other than android) are produced based on SPD, RDA/Coolsand and Infinion like Nokia 130.
Most China phones being produced now is SPD or RDA microprocessor.You can check the chip number by looking at the chip or connecting to PC allow it install drivers. If you have this of phone to unlock, flash or format first follow this process or use this method
Nokia 3310 new clone or China phone unlock, flash and format solution
How to unlock, format and flash Spreadtrum SPD 6531E
Open your Miracle Box interfaceSelect SPD Tap
Select SPD6631E SP
See picture below and Miracle box readings
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Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Please Hold BootKey(UP and DOWN),Insert USB cable
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Scanning USB Serial port...
SU2Serial Port: COM161
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
BootLoad Error. ID: 19
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Please Hold BootKey(UP and DOWN),Insert USB cable
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Scanning USB Serial port...
SU2Serial Port: COM161
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Infor: SPRD3
Initialize boot33...
CPU type: 6531E
Flash type: NOR
Flash ID: 00EF0040(00160000)
Flash Model: W25Q32BV
Flash Size: 0x400000(4.0M)
Being analyzed,Wait...
IMEI1 :35186xxxxxxx085
IMEI2 :35186xxxxxxx093
IMEI3 :3585xxxxxxxx893
IMEI4 :91057xxxxxxx468
Screen lock: 0111
Unlock Code: 1234
Screen lock: 1111
Screen lock: 2111
Unlock Code: 6565
Privacy Code: 1234
>>If try all code and wrong, please read whole flash and then analyzed