Follow these steps to remove Nokia 105 TA-1010 password code
1. Get your PC ready.
2. Get Miracle Box or Cracked ready
3. Charge your battery around 80%.
4. Install Miracle Box and Nokia MTK drivers.
5. Get your USB cable ready.
6. Connect Nokia TA-1010 also called Nokia 105 (new) or Tenna to the Miracle Box through USB.
7. Remove Nokia TA-1010 battery.
8. Re-insert the USB to the phone.
9. Press your Nokia TA-1010 power button shortly and leave the button as soon as you see connected on Miracle Box interface.
You can watch the Video here
Ensure that you did the following
Select MTK on the Miracle Box
Select boot 12.........
Click Read info....
10. Click Read Unlock/imei this will read the information and password or security code will be shown. Then copy and enter the security code manually.
To be on safe side avoid formatting the phone.
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How to remove Nokia code without flashing
Download tested Nokia flash files.
Nokia 130 RM-1035 power solution
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See Miracle Box reading
Welcome to use Miracle Box
(World's First Fuzzy Logic Based Tool)
Firmware Version:1.18
Connected OK.
Expire date:2020-01-16
Miracle Thunder More Faster More Powerful!
Check Authentication...
You use Latest Miracle Software
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6261_S0001 Ver: CB01 md:8000
Downloading Boot7 ...
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Unstable comport
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6261_S0001 Ver: CB01 md:8000
Downloading Boot7 ...
The Boot not support the Phone, or CPU Bad. Select other Boot.
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Unstable comport
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6261_S0001 Ver: CB01 md:8000
Downloading Boot12 ...
The Boot not support the Phone, or CPU Bad. Select other Boot.
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6261 Ver: CB01 SW:0001
Port Err
Definition Applied
1. Power Off Phone , Remove Battery, Insert Battery Back
2. Insert USB cable. In some cases Required Hold BootKey
3. Use Miracle Boot Key In cases Boot key not Find
4. Battery Should be Charged more then 50%
Waiting for USB Port...
Set Nokia USB Serial Port (COM37)
Connecting to Phone,Wait..
Connected to Phone.
CPU: MT6261 Ver: CB01 SW:0001
Test Mode, Reading Information From the Phone...
UnLock Code: 00000
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