- Today we are going to show you how to fix Tecno Y6 power solution. Most of the time due to careless your phone may drop on a liquid not knowing. The liquid becomes a big problem to your phone as it will start reacting with the tiny ics components in the panel. Which may result in phone not booting on coming on.
Read Water damage phone
Steps to fix Tecno Y6 power problem
- Loose the Tecno Y6.
Check the panel for water damage.
Clean the panel off dirt.
Check for (according to the image below) for GND and PWR gold points short the two points.
Fix your battery and see if the phone comes on. if yes then power button is fault
Tecno Y6 power solution |
Gently remove the the power-volume-button flex as indicated in the diagram below.
Tecno Y6 power solution |
How to make connections to Tecno Y6
following the image below:
Tecno Y6 power solution |
- Use a sharp blade to clean the terminals.
- Get two connecting wires.
- A soldering paste and soldering iron.
- Your common sense is important here.
- Looking at the power flex.
- Connect terminal 1 and terminal 5 respectively for the power points.
- Return the flex gently and power Tecno Y6
If your the instruction carefully the phone should be on and able to be controlled with the power switch.
The solution to Tecno Y6 power problem Zamdtek posted here has been tested in our workshop. We don’t take any responsibility whatever if anything go wrong in cause of your own work . We repeat this and loud please do it at your own risk. You can ask us how. Use this guide at your own risk. Zamdtek shall not have any liability or responsibility for whatever happens to you and your device by using the instructions in this guide.
Hit us with comments.
but look at the image carefully.
a power button is just a switch.