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Setool Box and Flashing

SeTool is another powerful device for read, write, unlock and upgrade Sony Ericsson, Lg and few Samsung smart phones. Like other flashing boxes: UFS3, z3x this particular box is unique because the interface is easier to work with but a little mistake can kill your phone.
SeTool Box

How to Use Setool Box

  1. Download the file FARManager for accessing cid49 from my folder.

  2. Now first we need to patch the MAIN for making it compatible with FarManager.

  3. Unrar it to your chosen destination.

  4. For this download Phone-XS beta 2.01 from my folder. Enter settings as shown.

  5. To Converting k750i to w800i It should either be CID49 or CID36.

  6. Select only if your phone is cid49 as this tutorial is for cid49 phones only which it would be probably if its not more than 1 year old.

  7.  Now proceed to the Flash screen (in configuration at bottom)

  8. .In the main firmware box select the Path to the Plugins folder in FarManagers folder (In my case C:\ Farmanager for accessing cid49\Far\Plugins).Select the k750w800_r2e_dcu.49r.sswfile here. 5.Remember to check on th Flash Main Firmwware box. 6.Hit Flash.5 Flashblocks will be loaded and patching would finish within 20
    seconds.(If your phone turns on after connecting then you will have to install the USB Flash Drivers again. Refer tutorial 1(converting k750i to w800i) for the procedure.The drivers are uploaded in my folder.)

  9. Now close PhoneXS. Unplug the phone.Re-insert the battery to refresh the phone.

  10. Start Far Manager.PressF.

  11. A box will appear and the 2nd last option would be named S.E.F.PPlugin.Select it.

  12. NOW BE VERY CAREFUL ON THE NEXT SCREEN.SELECT Device:DCU60, Speed: 921600, Boot Script: (According to phone model) k750_w800_CID49.

  13. Hit enter the matrix. Connect your phone according to the instructions After a few seconds two folders by the nameFLASH andFS will be shown on the left side .On the right side you can see your hard-drive contents.

  14. Now double click on will take some time to break into FS. 12.You will seesome folders named ifs,tpa,etc. Double click on ifs and go to ifs>settings>acoustic. Before copying the new acoustics, take a backup of the original ones, so that in case anything goes wrong you can revert back to the originals. For this click anywhere on the right side of the far manager screen, showing your hard-drive contents. PressF7.A new folder would be created. Name
    it \u201cBackup\u201d.

Setool Box Flashing

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