Operamini became popular right from Nokia java phones eg Nokia 5130, Nokia asha , Nokia symbiaan , China phones with Java compatible and other phones that can run on java. Remember that each phone has its own inbuilt browser but still comes with operamini. Operamini is fast growing mini phones browser to the extent that people see it as native browser as Google search engine is to other search engines.
Going by the number of users , is no doubt that operamini is the widely used browsing software. Operamini is used across all smart phones ranging from Java phones to apple products (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and android phones like Samsung, Google phones, MTK, SPD, Nokia etc.
Unlike operamini we knew before whe we were using Android phones the operamini of today (latest) operamini has include what is not common and my not help us either.
Mostly Android phones you buy new android phone, setup and configure the phone and connect to internet. What you will see will surprise you. Once you open operamini automatically headline news will start coming from nowhere. Is so funny because most of the news is either misleading or full of nudity. Although there is setting to stop this automatic newsfeed but the settings is not common for some users.
Operamini set the pace for this ugly newsfeed junky before chrome join suit. I know many readers and users are not familiar with chrome but is another good browser from Google. Chrome takes security seriously unlike other browsers. We also have UCBroswer that follow this ugly incident.
I prefer searching Google directly.

Is so annoying that even Ucbrowser had followed display automatic headlines. We have written some articles on how you can save your android data. other ways you can do this is to deactivate operamini and other browsers automatic headlines.
Going by the number of users , is no doubt that operamini is the widely used browsing software. Operamini is used across all smart phones ranging from Java phones to apple products (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and android phones like Samsung, Google phones, MTK, SPD, Nokia etc.
Unlike operamini we knew before whe we were using Android phones the operamini of today (latest) operamini has include what is not common and my not help us either.
Mostly Android phones you buy new android phone, setup and configure the phone and connect to internet. What you will see will surprise you. Once you open operamini automatically headline news will start coming from nowhere. Is so funny because most of the news is either misleading or full of nudity. Although there is setting to stop this automatic newsfeed but the settings is not common for some users.
Operamini set the pace for this ugly newsfeed junky before chrome join suit. I know many readers and users are not familiar with chrome but is another good browser from Google. Chrome takes security seriously unlike other browsers. We also have UCBroswer that follow this ugly incident.
I prefer searching Google directly.

Is so annoying that even Ucbrowser had followed display automatic headlines. We have written some articles on how you can save your android data. other ways you can do this is to deactivate operamini and other browsers automatic headlines.
If you cannot deactivate auto headlines otherwise know as neewsfeed is better you remove or delete operamini entirely and install old one. The old one will ask you to update but always ignore the updates warning because it will take you back to issues you a are running from.
This automatic update drain your data without you knowing. If you want to search for anything, then use "Google Search".
When it comes sex discussion online Google takes it seriously (especially Google adsense) and is targed as adult content. But when you come to operamini neewsfeed "sex""rape""violence" articles are on competition. Not minding that this software is used by different ages and different people.
I know some people will not be happy with this just as it was when I posted
This automatic update drain your data without you knowing. If you want to search for anything, then use "Google Search".
When it comes sex discussion online Google takes it seriously (especially Google adsense) and is targed as adult content. But when you come to operamini neewsfeed "sex""rape""violence" articles are on competition. Not minding that this software is used by different ages and different people.
I know some people will not be happy with this just as it was when I posted