Although corrupt imei or null imei can easily be repaired on android 5.0 and below but 5.1 and above is a different story. The story may not be the same because android version 5.1 and above require reset MSL and other things before you can fix imei.
Coming search How to repair corrupt imei android 6.0.
Steps on how to repair Infinix 551 imei
- Check the imei if is invalid
- Check the baseband if is unknown
[caption id="attachment_1626" align="aligncenter" width="169"]
![infinix 551 Baseband unknown](
- Download the said rom (infinix 551),
- Use sp tool or infinix flash tool.
- Charge the battery 60-70%.
- Flash the android phone with same scatter file.
- Do the phone hard reset.
- Check if the imei is ok otherwise enter next step.
How to repair infinix 551 with .bin file
This is the best way to fix any MTK android phone. First get Volcano box or Miracle box, but I prefer Volcano especially when working with MTK androids.
- Find a working Infinix 551 android phone.
- Charge the battery of the phone 70% very important.
- Then use Volcano box read the phone information.
- The the one have imei & baseband unknown check if the MTK65xx are same.
- Then backup the working phone .bin file by selecting read option on Volcano Box.
- Save the .bin file in a folder where you can remember.
- Backup the imei corrupt phone too and write the working file on it.
- If the phone power then the imei will be ok.
You must do hard reset first and after flashing
If you follow the above instructions correctly, then the result is
Your phone is useful again.
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